Sanctuary ~ Dragon Heart Awakened

Read Dragon Heart Awakened by Sheri-Lynn Marean
Enjoy Nine Original Fan Fiction tales set in the Hunterverse with a Foreword by Sherrilyn Kenyon.
Over a century ago, the Peltier clan came to New Orleans and established one of the best-known Limanis in the world. Now out of the shadows of their past, the present, and the future, readers will be treated to stories from fans of Sherri's as they dip their pens into the realms of the Dark-Hunters, Were-Hunters, and Dream-Hunters. Join us for this exciting collection of short stories set at Sanctuary that are sure to entertain!
Blurb for Dragon Heart Awakened:
Sawyer was tired of running, tired of not having a home or someone to love … just pain tired...
… but he couldn’t stop, ever.
If he did, he’d end up right back in a lab, locked in a cell to be forever experimented on. And he’d had enough of that to last a lifetime.
Still, how was he to shake his trackers?
As if fate heard his desire, just when he was about done, an old woman tells him to go to a place called Sanctuary.
But is she helping him, or has she led him right into his enemy’s hands?